Monday, November 06, 2006

We laughed so hard, tears ran down our legs!

As I sit here hanging out in my Dolphin shorts (how's that for a disturbing visual flashback from the 80s) I have a bunch of updates on my condition, continued stories of incredible support, as well as excitement over our upcoming trip to Europe.

Progression of Symptoms

While I've tried to remain positive about this disease, a stark reality is starting to surface. Over the past month I've experienced some rapid declines in my ability to function normally. Both hands and arms have weakened significantly, to the point where typing this has become much more difficult.

My legs, while still strong, aren't as steady as they once were and I've had a couple of minor falls. Thank god for my hard-as-an-anvil head, because my arms aren't doing their job catching me.

My speech is still about the same, but I find myself running out of breath when I talk a lot (Whew, maybe we finally figured out a way to get him to shut-up).

I've started to experience the Pseudo Bulbar Affect, which is a common sypmtom of ALS and leads to uncontrollable laughing ( or crying). Thank god it's mostly the former. This can be very funny as well. While at my sister Ramey's house, I started laughing uncontrollably as Mark and I were discussing a particular topic. Mark knew that I had a funny comment to make, but I couldn't spit it out because I was laughing too hard. Mark continued to laugh uncontrollably as well. As Ramey came in she asked Mark what was so funny, and he replied " I don't know yet", which obviously threw us all into deeper fits of laughter.

These changes continue to make me realize how important it is to take advantage of the things I can do in the present, because those same things may be fleeting in the future. How I wish I could do all the things I could do just a few months ago!

Whether you're healthy or not, just ponder this a minute and make sure that you're doing the things today that you want and can do, because you may not be able to do them or want to do them tomorrow.


My family along with the ever amazing "Call Girls"* put on the most incredible golf tournament that I have ever been to. The common theme that I kept hearing was "when can we do this again?"

These things take a tremendous amount of time and planning and everything was so perfect about that day. Not to mention the fact that it was a very successful fundraiser. Many thanks go out to everyone that made this day special... All 150 of you!

I know that I keep saying this (it's like I have Alzheimers instead of ALS) but it's important to reiterate how much this loving support means to me and how it keeps me going. With all that's bad in the world, I have the incredible opportunity to see all that is good in unselfish love, caring, and generosity every single day.

* For those of you who don't know the origin of the "Call Girls" moniker, I think I should enlighten you. No, I didn't get introduced to these incredible women by Heidi Fleiss. The name "Call Girl" is just an abbreviated version of "InterCall Girl" that Mark Stevens coined after the ALS golf tournament in July. As individuals and as a group they are all very special. If you hear me referring to the Ex-Call Girls, those are the ones that broke away from the profession as a "Call Girl" but are still very much involved in supporting my fight.

Europe here we come!

Attenderò il til ritorniamo dare un riassunto pieno del nostro viaggio, ma partiamo sul 10 per un 12 giro di giorno del Regno unito e su Italia. Dopo che il tè con la Regina, della Birra Chiara di Boddington ed il Pesce e Scheggia dirigiamo a Italia. Tra i culmini sarà un giro di vino di Toscana; l'origine del più bel Chiantis. Se siamo fortunati che troveremo alcuni fagioli di fegato e fava per andare col nostro vino.
Da lí siamo diretti a Como di Lago, descritto da Caen di Erba come l'il più vicino pensa al Cielo sulla terra. Poi abbiamo 2 giorni a un piccolo hotel favoloso in Venezia.

For those of you mere mortals who don't speak fluent Italian, here's the english version.

I'll wait til we return to give a full recap of our trip, but we leave on the 10th for a 12 day tour of
the United Kingdom and Italy. After tea with the Queen, some Boddington Ale and Fish and Chips we head to Italy. Amongst the highlights will be a wine tour of Tuscany; home of the finest Chiantis. If we're lucky we'll find some liver and fava beans to go with our wine.

From there we're headed to Lake Como, described by Herb Caen as the closest thing to Heaven on earth. One of those aforementioned "Call Girls" claimed that she cried when she had to leave there.

Then we have 2 days at a fabulous little hotel in Venice.

Can't wait!

Love you all! I've got my Dolphin shorts on, I think I'll go for a jog!

DD - NSL (Never Stop Laughing)


At 5:01 PM, Blogger Jules said...

DD, you are the most couragous and inspirational person I know! You made me laugh and cry too, with your most recent blog. I want to know if Mark ever heard your punchline?!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Debra said...

Darren- what a great update from you. I miss you very much & love hearing all the amazing things that have been taking place! Have a great time in Europe and say hello to the Queen,..Debbie of course!!!
Love ya, Debra!

At 6:01 PM, Blogger David said...

Hi Darren, It is always a treat to read your blogs, keep them coming. I think you may have chosen the wrong profession--ever thought of inspirational writing/author/etc???::)) I realized that when I married your Aunt Linda, I married into a phenomonal "in-law" family--the rally of support around you is well deserved/amazing and no doubt, of great comfort to you.
Hope you both enjoyed that fantastic trip to Europe and we look forward to seeing all the Dents soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers Darren. Dave

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Ben Yomtoob said...

Hey Darren -

This post was great to read! Glad to hear things went well in Europe.

I miss interacting with you every day and want you to remember that I'm still here to help.


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